
The Ultimate Guide for Kids to Pack Your Own Suitcase

Welcome to our ultimate guide for kids to pack your own suitcase!

When I was a kid, my parents were Scout leaders and one of their rules was that kids should pack their own suitcases. My mum always said that if the kids packed themselves, they knew what they had in their bag or rucksack and how to find things. And they were able to pack to go home.

Now I have my own kids, I can see exactly what she meant. My kids have been packing their own suitcases since they were little. In the beginning, I’d check to ensure that they didn’t have 12 t-shirts and one pair of trousers for a week-long holiday but now I just remind them to take their toothbrush and any vital pieces of kit.



Top 5 Boredom Busting Holiday Activities

You’re in the middle of the summer holidays, probably incredibly bored, and starting to waste your summer holidays. You can spend your summer doing this, and have nothing to remember it by when September comes, or you could make this summer interesting and memorable. Here are my top 5 boredom busting things to do to keep your summer interesting.


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Rainy Day Activities for Tweens

No, I’d really rather not be writing about rainy day activities for tweens in AUGUST. I want to be writing about fun outdoor activities, and being careful to apply sunscreen. For those of you who are stuck at home, and getting bored, here are some fab rainy day activities.


Toys and Games

A Fun Rainy Day Activity – A Schnitzeljagd

What on earth is a Schnitzeljagd?’ I hear you say.
A Schnitzel is a German word for a thinly sliced piece of pork, chicken or veal, which is dipped in egg and then coated with breadcrumbs. Similar to chicken nuggets but much tastier! Jagd means hunt.
A Schnitzeljagd means a chicken-nugget-hunt? Not quite! The word Schnitzel is also used in Papierschnitzel – little bits of paper.