Art & History

I am Not a Tourist, I Live Here – Mexico

“Why don’t you have a tan?” This is the question Dr Cath Andrews is always asked on returning home to the UK from Mexico. It seems that Mexico lives in the British imagination as a tourist destination, where the sun always shines and all residents must have time to sunbathe.
Cath explains that living in Mexico is very different to visiting as a tourist. 


Art & History

Explaining History – And Firing a Steam Train

Have you ever watched someone at work and wondered how they got there, or why they do what they do all day long?
Laura works as an explainer at the UK’s biggest train museum – the National Railway Museum in York. It may seem that steam trains and young women do not go together, but Laura loves it. She spoke to Joanne to explain how she became an explainer, and what she does all day.


Home, Health & Style

Better Late Than Never?

When you arrange to meet friends, do you arrive at the agreed time? Or do your friends have to wait because you are always late? Perhaps you are the one waiting for your perpetually unpunctual friend. Cas Germain explains why she is always late.