
Carnivals Around the World

You might have heard of the carnival in Rio, but did you know that there are carnivals around the world – from Germany to Greece, USA to Italy?

Millie Slavidou explains where Carnival comes from on her blog

Long before the advent of Christianity, people held celebrations at this time of year. In Germany, they once looked forward to sending Hel, the goddess of the underworld, back down to her abode so they could herald the coming of the spring. In Greece, it was a time to worship the god Dionysus. With the arrival of Christianity, the celebrations continued, but changed in nature, gradually becoming more and more linked to the new religion. The Carnival is held in the period before the start of Lent, and Lent is the time when good Christians were supposed to fast, to abstain from meat 

In the UK, we don’t celebrate Carnival, but we do prepare for Lent – that is what Pancake Day is all about, after all. Traditionally, pancakes were made to use up the eggs, fat, and butter, that were not to be eaten during Lent!

Take a trip around the world with us, to find out how other countries celebrate Carnival!



How Do Kids in Germany Celebrate Christmas?

Have you ever wondered about the Christmas traditions and customs in other countries? We are starting a new series – today we’ll take a look at how kids in Germany celebrate Christmas.

The biggest difference between festive celebrations in Germany and UK, is when they start. While we do start talking about Christmas, and maybe even doing some shopping, we don’t really have much going until just before the big day. In Germany, die Adventszeit is really important time. In UK, we have an advents calendar to count down the days, but in Germany, they really go to town.


Art & History

I am Not a Tourist, I Live Here – Mexico

“Why don’t you have a tan?” This is the question Dr Cath Andrews is always asked on returning home to the UK from Mexico. It seems that Mexico lives in the British imagination as a tourist destination, where the sun always shines and all residents must have time to sunbathe.
Cath explains that living in Mexico is very different to visiting as a tourist.