Rebecca is 9 years old and is due to move to a new school soon. She wrote for us about her fears and her hopes for the big changes coming to her life.
I am just about to finish my last ever year of lower school in 3 weeks.
I can’t wait to move to middle school… But I am worried sick that I might be separated by all of my friends.
I am in year 4 head of lower school and it’s like I have just climbed to the top of the mountain and suddenly someone pushes me to the bottom in year 5.
Luckily my sister, Charlotte is a year 8 soon and she will be able to show me around if I get lost or sort out any of my problems.
I can’t wait to meet my pen pal and my new form tutor, it is so exiting!!!
Rebecca is 9 years old
you’ll be fine and you’ll make new friends really quickly, it just might be a bit scary to start with.
I’m her sister 😀
I have arranged for my friends’ little sisters to become friends with Rebecca so hopefully it will be less daunting XD
You are a great big sister, Charlotte. I bet your parents are proud of you.