News & Politics, Popular

The UK General Election – An Explanation for Kids

Every five years, United Kingdom elects a new parliament. This is called a General Election and it’s pretty complicated. If you’ve ever wondered how a country decides who is going to run things, this is how! We asked our contributor Tina Price-Johnson to write an explanation of the General Election for kids.

When I was in Year 9, my school ran a mock general election, so we could learn how an election works.  I was chosen to be the Liberal Democrat candidate, and two other students were chosen to represent the Conservative Party and the Labour Party.  We didn’t have any other parties at that time!

We had to pretend we were running to be elected as a Member of Parliament (MP), and the other students in the school were the voters.  We created posters and learned what each party stood for, so we could debate in front of the whole school and give our speeches.  We spoke to students in the hallway, and each of us had a team of other students to help us out.  This is exactly what all the candidates for MP in your local area will be doing. More or less! 


News & Politics, Popular

How to Jump into Politics

Are you interested in politics? Are you not sure?
Recently, we posted an interview with MP Hilary Alexander. where she talked about how she was inspired to get involved in politics and do positive things for people. She also said that if we don’t like the way things are, we have the power to change them. Sometimes, though, as a younger person, it can be a little bit hard to know where to start – especially if you’re under 16 and can’t vote yet. Here are a few things to think about if you want to ‘be the change you want to see’!



News & Politics

Women in Politics: Be The Change You Want To See

Recently the online parenting website Mumsnet ran a survey which found that people in politics are seen to be ‘white, middle-class and male’.  We think that ANYONE can become an MP, so we decided to chat to some politicians about diversity in politics.
First up, we wanted to know what it is really like for women in politics. We asked Tina to chat with Heidi Alexander, Labour Minister of Parliament for Lewisham-East in London.



Jump! Into Politics – UK Students Fight for their Friend Yashika


There are many ways to get young people involved in politics. Now, more than ever before, the voices of the world’s youth can be heard. Many young campaign groups use Social Media to organise protests, or to raise awareness of issues that concern them.

Pupils of an English school are using Twitter and Facebook to share their petition to prevent the deportation of one of their classmates, who may be sent back to her home country of Mauritius without her family.

Local Conservative Member of Parliament David Burrowes tweeted at Oasis Sixth Form’s Twitter account: “am doing all I can to #FightForYashika and support her. Have made contact with Home Office to try and urgently stop deportation”.

Jump! Mag spoke to Yashika’s friend and classmate, Shantelle Creed to find out more.



Yashika Bageerathi, an inspirational student who attends Oasis Academy Hadley, came to the UK with her family in 2011 in order to escape abuse and danger from her home country of Mauritius. She is currently being held at a detention centre while her case is reviewed by Britain’s immigration authorities.


As Yashika has turned 18, her case has been separated from her family, and she faces being sent from the UK back to Mauritius, without her family. She will be sent back with no money and no where to live.


YashikaSince attending Oasis Academy,  Yashika has become known for her selfless acts across the academy, but her role as social ambassador extends far greater. Yashika is someone which could be continuously relied on, her passion and love for maths has seen her become a second maths teacher to many student in the academy. Her ability to continuously give up her time to help others with work, charity events and problems is something I personally can only dream of being able to do.


Losing Yashika would mean losing a role model and a future success. The decision would appear to be illogical, as Yashika has  studied immensely hard in order to achieve great results to attend her desired universities – for all that to be taken away is simply immoral.


This decision has caused wide spread outrage, with friends, students, family and teachers all expressing their frustration at situation. We are appealing for more support, there is an online petition for those over 18 years. We also advise people to follow the official @saveYashika account as well as tweeting #FightForYashika and #SaveYashika. Help us achieve justice. Thank you.


My name is Shantelle Creed I’m 17 and attend Oasis Academy Hadley. I am a friend of Yashika’s and I’m very committed to bring her justice. My interests include politics and reading. 


News & Politics

Who Was Margaret Thatcher?

margaret thatcher

If you have been listening to the radio, or watching the news today, you may have heard that a woman called Margaret Thatcher has died.
You might not have heard of Mrs Thatcher – or Baroness Thatcher to use her correct title – but if you live in Great Britain, your life has been affected by her. Some adults find it amusing or shocking that tweens and teens haven’t heard of her, because she was such a large part of our lives when we were growing up. It is strange for us to realise that she is ‘History’ to you, not current ‘Social Studies!
So, who was Baroness Thatcher, and why is everyone talking about her death?