Writing Competition

Jump! Mag Writing Competition for Girls – Zara, Six Years Old


Zara was the youngest participant in the Jump! Mag Writing Competition for Girls. We think she has a great career ahead of her as a writer, and look forward to her further contributions to Jump! Mag.

Don’t forget to <like> Zara’s article by clicking on the little heart next to the title.

Check out the the other entries, and the winners of the Jump! Mag Writing Competition for Girls 2012.


I have my own bus that has my name on the front in big red letters. I’m very lucky because I have lots of toys and a little sister who is annoying sometimes but very funny. I like reading Roald Dahl books and I like going to school.

My favourite part of school is lunch time because I can play on the tyres. I wrote a story at school about a dragon who was guarding a castle with a prince and a dinosaur inside.

When I grow up, I want to be like Mummy because she has beautiful hair and I would like to be a coffee shop lady and work in Mummy’s coffee shop.

love my teacher, Mrs Rogers because she teaches me lots of things.

I don’t think it’s fair that some girls aren’t allowed to go to school. But I hope they all have a Mummy to look after them.

My favourite thing to do is digging holes in the garden. I am going to dig to Australia.

The best thing about being a girl is playing with girls toys. I like hair style barbies. I used to want to be a hairdresser but now I want to work in Mummy’s shop.

I don’t like bedtime or eating horrible food.


 Featured Image courtesy of Flickr 

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  1. 1

    Brilliant writing. I’m going to Australia tomorrow, so I’ll keep an eye out for you digging through!

  2. 2

    amazing story! I love stories and being a girl. well done, young writers are the future! lol

  3. 3

    There’s a big hole in the road outside my hotel in Sydney… Nothing to do you with, now, is it? 🙂

  4. 4

    I will be keeping an eye out for you in Melbourne Zara. I don’t like eating horrible food but I love bedtime as I can read my books.

  5. 5
    Mrs Rogers and Turtle Class

    This is fantastic! We are very proud of Zara and think she is a brilliant writer. We are in Zara’s class and we want to say “WELL DONE ZARA!!!!!!!!”

    From Mrs Rogers and Turtle Class

  6. 6

    you are young and have a very good carrer path ahead of you
    keep writiing zara!!!!!!!!1

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