
Review of the New Minecraft Books


FamilyGamerTV brings you a review of the new Minecraft books, from Egmont. We were pleased to see that the publisher engaged the Minecraft community, with the likes of FyreUK being consulted on building projects. Also mentioned are builds by Salmon77, halfdemonandbu, sir_beret, geroom nefashus, Heaven_Lord, CrespoChimp and iHDVibeZz. 


Although the books are due to be released until early April, it seems some retailers will be getting theirs early so keep your eyes peeled in store (and soon after on eBay).




The official Minecraft Construction Handbook is packed with tips and step-by-step instructions from master build team FyreUK. There’s nothing that can’t be built in Minecraft, but with so many possibilities, it’s hard to know where to start. Readers can study how to construct houses, bridges, ships, floating islands and rollercoasters of the highest quality.

Phil and Matt, FyreUK, contributors to the Minecraft Constuction Handbook said:


“We’ve had an awesome time working on this book – we’re passionate about sharing Minecraft techniques and builds, whether through our YouTube videos or the Egmont books. We’ve worked on step-by-step guides for the Construction Handbook, detailing how to create some of the most amazing things in Minecraft. From multi-story houses, to bridges and much, much more, readers can learn techniques used by some of the best builders in Minecraft.”

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