Food and Recipes, Popular

Why Do Americans Refrigerate Eggs and Many Other Countries Don’t?

Why do Americans Refrigerate Eggs

If you’ve ever been to USA, you will notice that they sell eggs in a different area of the grocery store than in many other countries. We are used to finding our eggs stacked on shelves, often near the baking supplies, but Americans refrigerate eggs in their stores. Find out why they do this, and how to safely prepare egg dishes.


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Ducklings in Disguise

You know the story of the Ugly Duckling of course, who didn’t look like his family but grew into a beautiful swan? Well, this is a true story of three little chicks who are going to grow into beautiful ducks, as told by Susannah Leigh.

It all started when my friend Nic’s very favourite chicken, Rosie became broody. Rosie laid some eggs and sat on them very carefully for a very long time. But the eggs didn’t hatch and Nic realised that they were probably never going to. Sometimes they just don’t.

Poor Rosie – all that patient waiting for nothing.